Direct Gardening Association Meeting

Jake unpacked

I’m just back in town from the Direct Gardening Association meeting in New Orleans.  It’s my first trip to New Orleans, and my second DGA meeting.  The Direct Gardening Association, which started in 1934 as the National Mail Order Nurseryman’ Association, is the organization of of businesses who sell gardening goods direct to consumers, including plants, fertilizers, tools, greenhouses, etc.  The three day biannual meeting, which moves around the country, is focused on a number of factors that affect our businesses, from creating a better website, e-commerce options, finding new customers, and improving a customers’ shopping experience.  The attendees love networking and sharing their experiences, so if you already have, or a looking to start a mail order gardening business, be sure to take advantage of this wonderful group. We have lost far too many mail order nurseries, several of which might have survived if they had attended DGA conferences.  When I arrived home, Jake made it clear that he was planning to accompany me on my next trip.  Thanks to Anita for capture this priceless image.

2 thoughts on “Direct Gardening Association Meeting”

  1. Next time you go, let me know. I can tell you some amazing places to dine that are off the beaten track and which yield excellent culinary satistaction.

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