Plant Delights Print Catalog mailed

Our 2015 Plant Delights Nursery 27th anniversary catalog went in the mail almost two weeks ago, so most of you, except those in remote areas, should have it by now.  If you haven’t received your copy yet, drop us an email to and we’ll make sure you’re still on the mailing list, and if needed, get you another copy in the mail.  Until your print catalog arrives, you can flip the pages virtually here.

We hope you’ll enjoy the new catalog, which features lots of cool new plants as well as a plethora of color photos.  We’re betting you’ll find the layout dramatically improved thanks to Anita’s design concepts which were implemented by our layout designer, Shari Sasser.  Anita also thought you’d like the new perfect bound spine, for those of you who like to save the catalogs for reference books.  Anita is now focusing her amazing talents on a re-dsesign of the entire Plant Delights website.  You’ll begin to notice bits and pieces, all designed to make our site easier to read, easier to navigate, and more aesthetically pleasing.  We thank you so much for your continued support!

7 thoughts on “Plant Delights Print Catalog mailed”

  1. Am visiting my son who lives just a few miles away from you.close to you . He didn’t seem to know anything about you. He and his wife are passionate about fixing up their yard. I can see that gift certificates would be wonderful presents for them.

  2. Weep, sob, cry, another year, another catalog that was not delivered. Your computer is allergic to me, every year I wait, and watch and then sigh when I read that it mailed weeks gone by and I am left bereft here in cold wet dark Michigan. Last year you believed it was my mailman, this year it must be the squirrels…got my highlighter and red pen all ready, I am so eager to make my list (since it takes months of negotiations with MOI to winnow the list from everything in zone 6 that I don’t have to everything I can’t live without)….don’t forget me again.
    Jacki Cohen

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