10 thoughts on “Florida Sunshine Anise”

  1. I love love love my Florida Sunshine! I planted it in my yellow winter garden. It grows fast! The brightness really pulls together the rest of the planting: mahonia with its yellow winter blooms, yellow striped fern/coniogramme, berry exciting corydalis (which is screaming yellow right now though flattened by the cold) everillo carex, and aucuba. Oh, I have an edgeworthia planted in the mix, too. I can see that area from the table where I work, stuck inside bcs of the cold, and it makes me smile.

  2. Would love to get this to brighten my winter garden. I have illicium, ‘ Haley’s Comet’ and love it. It is one of the few shrubs that the deer don’t eat!

  3. Have one from jerks farmer. Want more what is price live in Laurens sc should I drive down or who has in my area. Thanks. Fay

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