We’ve planted quite a few forms of our native Sabal palmetto through the years. Only two have survived long term; the the form from Bald Head Island, NC, and one propagated from an ancient specimen in Mt. Holly, NC, just west of Charlotte. Taken recently, our Mt. Holly specimen is now 22 years old. It’s been almost that long since we’ve had any to share, so we’re hopeful our plants are getting old enough to flower soon.
Mt. Holly Palmetto
American Native Plants, botanic garden, coastal native, cold hardy palms, East Coast native, evergreen, evergreen foliage, evergreen native, evergreen shrub, hardy palms, hardy tropicals, JLBG, juniper level botanic garden, native palms, native plants, North American natives, palm, palmate leaves, palms, Plant Delights Nursery, sabal, sabal palm, Tony Avent, tropical looking plants, zone 7b
What’s the height? Is it still trunkless?
And, any idea where most of the trade’s sabal minors are sourced? Mine were bought in Georgia.
Our plants are about 8′-10′ tall and have just started to trunk. There are countless sources of Sabal minor in the trade. This is why we name each of the ones we offer, so both gardeners and researchers can track which genetics they grow.
This is a great blog post!
You mention the Mt Holly and Bald Head Island varieties as the only varieties that survived long-term. Other palmettos (e.g. Tifton Hardy) are mentioned in the Cold Hardy Palms for Temperate Gardens blog post on Plant Delights. Are those just not old enough to be considered long-term survivors or have they died in a recent cold event?
Also, do you believe that the cold hardiness would be affected if these palmetto varieties with good genetics were transplanted and protected while given enough time to regrow a root system? Some speculate that much of the hardiness comes from growing in place but would like to know your thoughts.
The Sabal palmetto ‘Tifton Hardy’ surprisingly were not nearly as hardy as we had hoped, and these died during a cold winter. Getting a palm well established before cold certainly helps them survive cold winters. All of our palms are transplanted from containers, compared to most commercial Sabal palmettos, which are transplanted without roots.