New for 2015 – Podophyllum ‘Galaxy’


In case you’ve been wondering what Gardening Santa has in store in the new Plant Delights catalog, we’ll give you a sneak peak before the new catalog goes live December 31.  We’ll start off with an amazing new mayapple, Podophyllum ‘Galaxy’.  This has thrived for us, compared to some selections in the past that did just didn’t prosper here.

7 thoughts on “New for 2015 – Podophyllum ‘Galaxy’”

  1. Wow, very cool. This looks similar to Calidascope, so if you have found a form that is robust, it is a BIG improvement.

    I have been waiting for a while, ok it feels like forever, for you to release the ones that look like derivatives of Starfish (like in the banner of this post). Is anything from that line coming close to sellable?

    Thanks for the great plants which find homes our here in Seattle.

    1. This is the original strain from which P. ‘Kaleidoscope’ was hybridized. We have always had trouble keeping P. ‘Kaleidoscope’ alive in containers, but these are fabulous growers. We are building up numbers of the P. difforme in the header…probably another few years. Thanks for asking!

  2. Maggie Labouisse

    I’m drooling over that plant in the header, too! What a coincidence, and nice to have my question answered before I even screwed up the courageous to ASK!!
    So it’s Podophyllum difforme? I hope I live long enough to see it released, and can afford it when it is!
    Do you have any better pictures of it? I’m only familiar with P. peltatum, which I’ve been allowed to dig up from a friend’s garden in Vermont and transplant to Atlanta. Those deeply loved leaves are SO different from these little “umbrellas.” How long do the leaves persist in your garden, Tony? While I wouldn’t include it with real Spring ephemerals, it was pooped out by June in Atlanta. (Sadly, I had to leave it and the rest of my 30-year garden, when we moved.)

  3. Maggie Labouisse

    Sorry…I forget about Auto-Correct, and didn’t re-read closely enough. While the leaves WERE “loved”, I was trying to say LOBED! Wish we could edit our replies.

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