New hostas for 2016


Hosta You're So Vein PDN04-331 (longipes x op) x BME) - Copy(64421)


We are pleased to introduce two new miniature hostas from our own breeding program for 2016.  Many years ago, we began work to create miniature hostas with good vigor and good multiplication rates.  The first few years resulted in hostas that were either miniature or vigorous, but not both.  After several generations, our goals were realized and these are the first two introductions from that work.  Hosta ‘You’re So Vein’ is a 2004 cross… a hybrid of Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’ with unique leaf veins, which are most prominent in the early season.

Hosta Sun Mouse(64510)


Hosta ‘Sun Mouse’ is our other 2016 introduction of a cross we made back in 2007.  This is also a hybrid and not a sport of Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’.  The vigor is outstanding as is the multiplication rate and leaf thickness.  The foliage color also holds very well through the summer.  We predict both of these will become standard with collectors of small and miniature hostas.  We hope you’ll enjoy them both, but remember that quantities of both are limited.

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