Most gardeners in mild winter climates are familiar with Liriope (monkey grass), and Ophiopogon (mondo grass), but almost no one is familiar with the third cousin, reineckea (false lilyturf). Like both better known cousins, reineckea is an evergreen groundcover, but unlike the others, here is our clump of Reineckea ‘Little Giant’ in full flower for Thanksgiving. Depending on your taxonomist, there is between 1-3 species in the genus. We’re certain of three and think there may be more. We have assembled a collection of nearly 30 wild collections and will be working with other researchers to sort out the taxonomy of this group.
Reineckea…the unknown cousin
Asian woodland perennial, botanic garden, evergreen, evergreen foliage, evergreen groundcover, Evergreen Perennials, evergreens for shade, fall bloomers, fall blooming, fall blooming perennials, fall garden, fall perennials, ground cover for shade, groundcover, groundcover plants, groundcovers, JLBG, juniper level botanic garden, lavender flowers, moist shade, perennial plants for shade, Plant Delights Nursery, shade, shade garden, shade gardening, shade loving perennials, shade loving plants, shade perennials, Tony Avent, woodland, Woodland Garden, woodland gardens, woodland groundcover, Woodland Plants, zone 7b
Is this plant deer resistant?
As a general rule, deer do not love liriope or its relatives, but if hungry enough, then will sample them.