For baseball fans, you know the Say Hey Kid as the great Willy Mays, but in horticutlure, we have a Say Hey Kid also, Arisaema sahyadricum (say-hey-dricum). This little grown, Jack-in-the-Pulpit hails from India, where it was just discovered in 1993. Compared to most jacks that flower in the spring, this is a summer flowering species. Our plant has thrived in open, dry shade since 2014.
Say Hey Kid
Arisaema, aroid, Aroids, botanic garden, dry shade, geophyte, geophytes, hardy aroids, India native, Jack-in-the-pulpit, JLBG, juniper level botanic garden, Plant Delights Nursery, shade, shade garden, shade gardening, shade loving perennials, shade loving plants, shade perennials, spadix, spathe, summer flowering perennials, summer flowers, Tony Avent, woodland, Woodland Garden, woodland gardens, Woodland Plants, zone 7b