We have long enjoyed the winter-flowering, evergreen Clematis armandii, but had no idea the variability that existed until we acquired this new form from China in 2012. Unlike the more commonly known Clematis armandii var. armandii, which has 4 petals per flower, the subspecies hefengensis from Southwest Hubei Province in China has six petals. We have given this exceptional clone the cultivar name Clematis ‘Six Shooter’. We haven’t started propagating this yet, but are thinking about doing so. Would anyone be interested?

It’s lovely! Do you think it will have the same hardiness? Is it fragrant? If yes to both of those, yes, I would be interested!
Same hardiness, but this one hasn’t shown any fragrance.
Yes! Very much so! Please propagate ASAP!
Yes, if this is as shade tolerant as the normal variety.
Yes, it prefers light shade
Yes, I would be very interested.
Yes. It looks awesome
As long as it emits the same honey fragrance of the one I have here in zone 6.
Yes, I’d also be interested!
I want a white flowering vine for my narrow side yard which only gets direct sun mid summer. anything that will grow in months of gloom between two buildings and under a Japanese maple? This area is viewed from a picture window at the end of my hall….graced by a board fence and my neighbors clothesline. If a vine, other than ivy, will survive there I’ll have a trellis built, if not, a wall. Zone 9, compost amended clay
Zone 9 vines are not really our area of expertise, so we’d best defer to a good designer/plantsman in your area. Solanum laxum might be a possibility. Good luck.
If it will survive zone 6a I’m in!
Yes would love to have that traffic stopping variety in my garden
Absolutely if Zone 8a will do!
If you get into breeding this and have success with a fragrant version, I would be very interested. That takes so long I may not live to see results, but I will be optimistic. I LOVED my clematis armandii back in Laurel Hills!!
BTW if you do this, I would suggest a name: Six Stars, reflecting not just # petals but the satisfaction rating it would get!!
We’re a little late but definitely would want one!