The Winter Rose Parade Continues

Here are more of the amazing selections of Helleborus x hybridus in flower now at Juniper Level Botanic Garden. If you weren’t able to make it to the gardens for our Winter Open Nursery and Garden days, we invite you to visit the gardens Monday – Friday, 8am to 5pm, by appointment.

4 thoughts on “The Winter Rose Parade Continues”

    1. There are no completely upright facing hellebores, but there are plenty with outward facing flowers. Any of the Helleborus x iburgensis, Helleborus x glandorfensis, Helleborus x ericsmithii, Helleborus x ballardiae, Helleborus x nigercors, or Helleborus niger would be the ones you want.

  1. Why aren’t thee lovely hellebores in the Winter Rose Parade identified? I might like to buy one or several.

    1. Apologies for not being clearer in our post. These are our own Winter Delights seedlings, which we sell by color; pink with spots, yellow with spots, etc. These are selected from the numerous other named seed strains we sell as from our own seedlings. If you look through the on-line Plant Delights offerings, you should find some to match most.

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