About face

Not only is Helleborus niger flowering now at JLBG, but many of the hybrid hellebores with it in their parentage are also flowering. While Helleborus niger only comes in white or with a faint pink blush, when it is hybridized in combination with other species, the potential flower color expands, but the out-facing flower trait remains. Helleborus x glandorfensis, a group of hybrids with Helleborus niger, Helleborus argutifolius, Helleborus lividus, and Helleborus x hybridus genes, is an amazing breakthrough involving at least five species. Not only do these introductions have outfacing flowers and a range of colors, but they are completely sterile. Because of their sterility, they can only be reproduced in tissue culture, which somewhat limits their availability. New cultivars are released each year, and below are a couple of those that have impressed us so far this winter, Helleborus ‘Ice N’ Roses Early Rose’ (top), and Helleborus ‘Ice N’ Roses Pink Promise’ (below). Winter hardiness is Zone 5a-8b.

Helleborus ‘Ice N’ Roses Early Rose’
Helleborus ‘Ice N’ Roses Pink Promise’ PPAF

4 thoughts on “About face”

    1. Despite any changes in the climate, Zone 9b is still Zone 9b. The only hellebores that would probaby grow there are Helleborus lividus, and possibly Helleborus foetidus.

  1. These are beautiful. I have several of the sterile hybrids with niger in the mix, and love them for their low maintenance (no weeding seedlings), as well as early, outfacing flowers held high enough to see without having to cut off all the lovely leaves with the great veining and marbling. But the pale yellow Hellebore x hybridus cultivars such as ‘Tropical Sunset,’ ‘Spanish Flare’, and ‘California Dreaming’ are what make my heart sing. Is there any breeding work going on with the sterile niger hybrids to introduce the yellow color, that you know of?

    1. That’s a great question, that I’ve wondered about as well. There seems to be no obvious reason why we don’t have yellow flowers in the sterile hybrids. I have a meeting schedule with the Heuger Hellebore folks in a few weeks and will ask.

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