Just finished flowering in our crevice garden is the amazing member of the Amaryllis family, Acis ionicum. This little-known Albanian snowbell hails from small areas of Coastal Albania and Western Greece, as well as a few of the adjacent islands. The flowers of this species are quite huge, compared to the better known A. autumnalis. In the wild, Acis ionicum grows in rocky, calcareous hillsides, so it feels right at home in our recycled concrete crevice garden. Hardiness is probably Zone 7b and warmer…at least.
Access to Albanian Acis
Acis, Albania, botanic garden, crevice garden, fall bloomers, fall blooming, fall blooming bulbs, fall blooming perennials, fall bulbs, fall garden, fall perennials, geophytes, Greece, JLBG, juniper level botanic garden, late summer garden, Mediterranean plants, perennials for full sun, Plant Delights Nursery, rock garden perennial, rock garden plants, rock gardening, snowbell, sun garden, sun loving plants, sun perennials, sunny perennials, Tony Avent, white flowers, zone 7b