Our tallest clump of Nelson’s bear grass has been in full flower for the last month, making a spectacular site. Our specimen, which has reached 10′ in height is now 23 years old from seed. This woody lily which hails from the state of Tamaulipas in Northern Mexico forms a yucca-like stalk in the garden. All of the other hardy bear grasses have green foliage, so the blue foliage of Nolina nelsonii is quite distinct. The common name of bear grass was coined on the Lewis and Clarke expedition, when nolinas were mistaken for yuccas, which at the time were known as bear grass. Hardiness is Zone 7b-10b.
Bearing Flowers
bear grass, blue foliage, botanic garden, crevice garden, JLBG, juniper level botanic garden, Mexican native, Nolina nelsonii, North American natives, Plant Delights Nursery, summer flowering perennials, summer flowers, sun garden, sun loving plants, sun perennials, sunny perennials, Tony Avent, white flowers, woody lily, zone 7b