Hemiboea subacaulis var. jiangxiensis ‘Jiangxi Bells’ is looking great in the garden over the last month. This gem is an amazing new, hardy gesneriad from a joint collection by Scott McMahon (Atlanta Botanic Garden), and Mark Weathington (JCRA). Discovered in Jinggangshan, China, this seems to be a new species to cultivation. The 1′ wide, fuzzy-leaf rosettes, spread via stolons to form a lovely deciduous groundcover. Starting for us in mid-September, the rosettes are each topped with a cluster of tubular pink flowers. Light shade, and slightly moist soil make the best show. Fingers crossed, this should show up in the next Plant Delights catalog. Hardiness is Zone 7b-10.
Bells from Jiangxii
Asian natives, Asian perennials, Asian woodland perennial, botanic garden, chinese herbs, Chinese native, Chinese woodland perennial, fall bloomers, fall blooming, fall blooming perennials, fall flowers, fall garden, fall gardening, fall perennials, gesneriad, Hemiboea, JLBG, juniper level botanic garden, perennial plants for shade, Pink Flowers, Plant Delights Nursery, shade, shade garden, shade gardening, shade loving perennials, shade loving plants, shade perennials, Tony Avent, Woodland Garden, woodland gardens, woodland groundcover, Woodland Plants, zone 7b