For those who didn’t get to our Open Nursery and Garden last week, here are some of the hardy cactus you missed in the new Souto Garden section. We’re passionate about hardy cactus, and have been so since we were hooked by a jumping cholla about 45 years ago. I hope you enjoy the photos of this amazing group of plants.
Echinocereus nivosus
Echinocereus reichenbachii var. caespitosus
Echinocereus triglochiditis v. mojavensis
Gymnocalycium ‘Bridal Showers’ – a Mike Papay hybrid
Gymnocalycium ‘Panama Pink’ – a Mike Papay hybrid
Notocactus paucidentatus
Opuntia basilaris v. aurea ‘Golden Carpet’
Opuntia polycantha ‘Crystal Tide’
Opuntia polycantha var. hystracina
Trichocereus ‘Big Time’ (a Mike Papay hybrid of T. bruchii)
Trichocereus ‘Irridescent Watermelon’ – a Mike Papay hybridTrichocereus bruchii
Is that a self-planted fern with the ‘Golden Carpet’ Opuntia?
We’ve interplanted many of the desert ferns with our hardy cactus.
That ‘Panama Pink’ is especially gorgeous.
I did not know Gynocalicium are hardy.They are as beautiful a Echinocereus.
All of these have sailed through our last two cold winters.
Identification of cacti confuses me. Both of the pectinate spined echinos pictured look like E baileyi of Oklahoma or is it the other way around