Try as we might, we have been epic failures trying to grow the showy southwest native Zauschneria (now epilobium) in our garden, due to the combination of high humidity and torrential summer rainfalls. No matter where we tried them in the rock garden, they quickly expired. That was in the years BC…before crevice. Here is our plant of Zauschneria canum var. arizonica ‘Sky Island Orange’, a David Salman selection, planted in early 2018 and still thriving in our urbanite crevice garden. Not bad for a plant that doesn’t grow here.
Holy Zauschneria, Batman!
botanic garden, crevice garden, hummingbird attracting plants, hummingbird flowers, hummingbird garden plants, hummingbird gardens, hummingbird plants, JLBG, juniper level botanic garden, native, native perennials, native plants, North American natives, North American Rock Garden Society, orange perennial flowers, rock garden perennial, rock garden plants, rock gardening, southwest native, Tony Avent