Lloyds St. John’s Wort

Hypericum lloydii has looked great in the garden for the last few years. This little-known, imperiled (G4 rank) Southeastern US native, has shown excellent potential as a garden plant. In the wild, it’s found in dry open woodlands and woodland edges in well-drained soils in a narrow band from Virginia south to Alabama. In the garden, our plant has formed a dwarf, mounding, evergreen shrub to 1′ tall x 3′ wide, clothed with needle-like green leaves. In the garden, it’s adorned with classic yellow, St. John’s wort-like yellow flowers all summer and into early September…a favorite of bees. Our collection is from Aiken County, South Carolina. There’s a good chance you’ll see this in the 2026 Plant Delights catalog.

Hypericum lloydii ‘Aiken Back’

2 thoughts on “Lloyds St. John’s Wort”

  1. I will be one of the first in line for this shrub if it gets into the catalog!! I think it will be perfect along my oak tree line, where it will get mid-day to late afternoon sun? Apex, NC

  2. I have a wasteland of mulch in a large eastern corner that needs something special. Lloyd’s St. John’s Wort may be the answer. I want more variety than the Encore Azaleas that are doing well here in several parts of the front and backyard. And I love yellow!

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