Here’s one of our favorite hollies, looking great in the garden this week. Ilex integra ‘Green Shadow’ is a variegated (creamy-edged leaves) form of the Mochi holly. This amazing columnar holly, that hails from oceanside mountain slopes in Japan, Korea, Southern China, and Taiwan, reaches 20′ tall x 7′ wide, which is the case with our 16 year old specimen. Although Ilex integra ‘Green Shadow’ will grow in both sun and shade, full to half day sun results in the most dense foliage. This is female clone, but we never see more than a dozen berries, so we assume it needs a male nearby to fruit better. For a narrow evergreen screening plant, it’s hard to beat. Hardiness is Zone 6b-9b.
Only the Green Shadow Knows
botanic garden, broad leaf evergreens, Chinese native, evergreen, evergreen foliage, evergreen shrub, evergreen trees, evergreens for shade, holly, JLBG, juniper level botanic garden, part sun garden, Plant Delights Nursery, screening plant, Tony Avent, variegated, variegated foliage, variegated leaves, Variegated Plants, woody ornamentals, zone 7b