Our specimen of the North American native, Yucca rostrata ‘Sapphire Skies’ is looking quite lovely in the January garden. This is one of the tallest of the hardy blue-foliage soapworts, thriving well into Zone 6, and south through Zone 9. This clump is sixteen years old this year, so it’s officially entering adulthood, when growth slows. Mature height is typically around 15′ tall.

As near as my data base can tag it, I began ordering plants from PDN in 2008. Saphire Skies (seen here flanked by Agave Kissho Kan} has been the focal point of my garden since I planted it in 2008. Let me point out that Saphire Skies and Kissho Kan Came through 2 hurricanes and some brief salt inundation in my zone 10a Gulf Coast Garden. Thank you, Tony!
Dang, where is that spell checker when you need it? That’s “Sapphire Skies”!