Several plants emerge in the fall/winter season…some native, and others from far away Mediterranean climates. One of the most unusual plants we grow is the pig’s butt arum, Helicodiceros muscivorus. Depending on the location of the original population on one of the Mediterranean islands, it can emerge in our climate as late as February or as early as December. Here is a photo of our plant of an Alan Galloway collection from Majorca, which is the earliest to emerge in our garden. Let’s hope it’s ready for our upcoming cold snap. Even if this never flowered, we marvel at the glaucous, three-dimensional Escher-esque foliage.
Up and at ’em in Winter
aroid, Aroids, arum, blue foliage, botanic garden, hardy aroids, Helicodiceros, JLBG, juniper level botanic garden, Mediterranean plants, Plant Delights Nursery, Tony Avent, variegated aroid, winter garden, winter gardening, zone 7b
I really enjoy this plant. Have had it planted for about 5 years now. Began flowering about two years ago. Mine usually does not emerge until late Jan or early Feb.