Alstroemeria ‘Summer Relieve’ has been a real star in our trials. This patch is now 3 years old, and consists of 9 original plants. Flowering typically starts for us in early May, slows during the worst heat of summer, and picks up again as temperatures cool. Hardiness Zone 5b-8b.
What a Relieve
alstroemeria, botanic garden, cut flowers, fall bloomers, fall blooming, fall blooming perennials, floral arrangements, flower arranging, JLBG, juniper level botanic garden, long blooming perennials, peach flowers, peruvian lilies, peruvian lily, Pink Flowers, Plant Delights Nursery, spring blooming, spring flowering, Tony Avent, zone 7b
I live in zone 6a. Do I plant this in the fall, like a bulb, or in the spring, like a perennial? Thanks for your help. Maryann
Plant it as soon as you have time.
I live north of Raleigh. Does all varieties of alstroemeria spread like that?
This is a mass of 9 original plants, each of which forms a 3′ wide clump. There are two species of Alstroemeria which spread, A. aurea and A. psittacina. Almost all commercial cultivars are clumpers.